2010 – 60 Jubilee Launch Speech – Nana Mprah Besemuna III, The Krachiwura

Mawuli School 60th Anniversary Launch

Speech Delivered (20 May, 2010) by

The Krachiwura, Nana Mprah Besemuna III

The Guest Speaker, Chairman and Members of the 60th Anniversary Planning Committee, President of OMSU, Fellow Mawulians – Ancient, Medieval and Modern, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Let me start by thanking the Chairman and members of the 60th Anniversary Planning Committee for their tireless efforts in bringing this event into fruition. I also wish to thank them sincerely for not inviting me but considering me worthy to be the Chairman of this event.
Ladies and Gentlemen, 60 years in the life of any institution is a significant milestone and therefore worthy of celebration to draw attention to the achievements and challenges of our dear school.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here this evening to remember a story in our life time. It is a story of hard work and occasional rough times at Adaklu square but mostly of good times.

It is a story about the people who helped make us what we are today. It is a story of our benefiting from opportunities created by the sacrifices of those who went before us. Above all, it is a story of how we can also be of help to those following or who will follow us.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Mawuli has done a lot for US by laying the foundations of our lives and giving us a culture and traditions.
It is now our turn to help uphold and sustain the traditions and culture that we are all proud of.

We should not forget that, in the final analysis, we shall be judged by what Mawuli is today and not what it was yesterday.

It is in the light of this that I deem the theme of our anniversary celebration most appropriate. Is Mawuli School living the dreams of the founding fathers in Human Capital Development? This is the task that has been assigned our Guest Speaker, D.S. Sydney Kpodo-Tay to examine.

On this note, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I humbly accept the position of Chairman of this event and take over accordingly. I crave your indulgence to co-operate with me to steer this function to a successful end.


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